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Contribute to AAF&G Foundation

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Ann Arbor Farm & Garden is proud to have raised and distributed more than $660,000 since our founding in 1947. Through the generosity of our members and the public, we've funded more than 150 gardens and environmental restoration projects at schools, residential complexes, public institutions, senior centers, libraries, and more.

Our annual scholarships have supported college undergraduate and graduate students in horticultural and related fields for more than 40 years.

Your donation today will directly benefit these projects and people. Thank you for supporting our mission! 

In addition to your name, please enter your address, phone number and email address. This will allow us to contact you if necessary.
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Amount must be equal to or above US$ 10.00
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Ann Arbor Farm & Garden is a social and philanthropic 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Our mission is to promote and support local gardens, farms, and environmental stewardship through education, community service, and financial grants and scholarships.

Founded Fall 1946 / Incorporated Spring 1997 / Independent Spring 2017

P.O. Box 354

Dexter, MI 48130